sexta-feira, março 29, 2024

 De volta ao café. Hoje deu vontade de falar português.

Ontem a noite preenchi a minha nova mochila de trilha com os itens que preciso levar comigo pra testar o peso e, se necessário, fazer ajustes. Coloquei na mochila:

Há outros itens que estarão na mochila do meu companheiro, como mapas, e não na minha.
Surpreendentementem, a mochila não estava pesada, embora eu reconheça que carregá-la por terreno irregular por 25km provavelemte vá mudar minha opinião.
O clima parece estar colaborando. Há sol no norte inglês, embora rara ocorrência, e parece que a chuva dará uma trégua. Dedos cruzados.
Estou trabalhando hoje, mas amanhá temos que visitar uma casa (possível compra), limpar a nossa casa, e deixar nosso amado cachorro na 'creche'. Domingo vamos ver um jogo de futebol em Birmigham, o que significa que o dia inteiro será consumido pra chegar a Birmigham, assistir ao jogo, e ir pra casa (são horas de lá até onde moramos). Segunda-feira de manhã pegamos o trem para Carlisle.

*JF 7:23 AM [+]  0 comments

quinta-feira, março 28, 2024

I'm back at the cafe. I shouldn't be here today, at least not working. Technically, 'my' university is closed for a week starting today, but because of the whole walking-for-a-week next week, I'm not taking today and tomorrow off.

I need to do some serious amount of writing within the next month - it's a good thing, in the grand scheme of things. This means I'm involved in various pieces of writing, working with my academic 'soulmates' with ideas I'm interested in. I feel challenged and intellectually stimulated, which is what I never felt working in the industry. 


I got an interesting message yesterday, out of the blue. An invite to join a one-week trip to India for as work thing. I've never been to India, so this is obviously something I'm keen on doing but with all the writing I need to do, and the upcoming deadlines, I need to do some calendar math.


The weather continues to be pretty sh*t in the North of England, so crappy I took the bus to town to avoid the wind. All things considered, the weather seems to be bearable next week for our walk. You'll notice that this is a part of British culture I have thoroughly embraced and absorbed: talking about the weather.


At midnight last night I was cooking plain rice and making oatmeal for our dog, who I realised had an upset stomach. Convincing him to eat something that would calm his stomach was both cute and sad, but he was a good boy and agreed. We woke up this morning to a much more cheerful puppy, but I was dragging myself to get up. 

*JF 7:14 AM [+]  0 comments

quarta-feira, março 27, 2024

 Life is funny. The last time I stopped by this space I had barely started on the PhD programme. Things were exciting and fuzzy, and I couldn't possible grasp what it all actually meant. The scale of change since then have been enourmous. Literally life-changing. My little pre-move head would not believe all that happened if I travelled back in time to tell. Anyway, enough with reminiscing. I think some explaining is in order.

Why am I writing in English? Yes, Portuguese is my mother tongue. However, and this is one of the suprising changes I went through in the past 8 years since my move, all I write is in English. This means my thinking-through-writing process has been refined in English to the point I no longer feel proficient enough to write cohernt texts in Portuguese. This goes for personal and professional writing. I must admit it's quite odd, but that't where I find myself. The fact that I rarely speak Portuguese doesn't help either. Unless I call home, or long-time friends via social media, there's no Portuguese-speaking people in my everyday life whcih whom I could speak. 

Why come back to blogging now? I don't think I realised with this much clarity how much writing regularly - I mean, daily - sharps my brain, refines my thoughts, and calms my mind. No, scratch that. Reading old posts, I think I knew in a teenager way of knowing, then forgot about it for more than a decade, and now it's come back to me in the process of becoming an academic, with so much constant (re)writing to refine arguments. I do think through writing. Well, I think we all do. I just happen to have a job that forces me to confront that fact regularly. Explaining done. Now, back to some dear diary moment.


I'm sitting at a cafe somewhere in the North of England - I suspect the idiosyncrasies, struggles and beauty of living and working in this corner of the world will come up regularly. It took me years to find out I need to leave the house to focus enough to write, unless there is an imminent deadline and desperation has taken over my fingers. There is something about the background noise of cafes. Voices, music, the frothing of milk, the espresso machines all bundle into one sound ball of yarn (that's how I picture it in my mind). 

I have a few papers I need to work through, either rewriting based on reviewers' comments or developing an argument yet to be submitted to a journal. To quote one of my dear colleagues: I have papers coming out of my arse. Curiously enough, I was reminded I once had a blog, and that it's still here, by one of they readings I had to do to rewrite a paper. It mentioned a chronological sequence of social media platforms, from Orkut - yes, you read that right - to BlackBerry Messenger, which I never actually used, despite at one point owning one of those tiny-buttoned bastards. 

This week we're preparing to go on a 5-days long walk, which shall be interesting. I've been saying for years that I want to do the Camino/St James/ Santiago walk in Portugal, but haven't yet done the necessary planning or training. Doing this one in Englad, for 5 days, in what will probably not be the most pleasant of weathers (moderately cold, possibly rainy), will be good practice. I spent some good money updarting my hiking boots, ensuring I have gore-tex everything, and got a new, larger and more resistant backpack. We start on Monday, walking about 20-25 km per day, and sleeping at different pubs and inns along the way. I'm looking forward to it, even if somewhat concerned about my knees.

Time to read some stuff. I'll be back.

*JF 7:43 AM [+]  0 comments